Ways Insurance Tracking Devices Could Hurt Car Accident Claims

tracking device in vehicleMany car insurance companies offer discount programs for safe driving. Examples include GEICO’s DriveEasy, Allstate’s Drivewise and Progressive’s Snapshot program. But did you know that by joining a good driver discount program, your insurer is able to track your driving habits?

Sigman Janssen discusses the kinds of data being collected and how that data is often used. We also discuss how that data could potentially hurt your claim in the event of an accident. Our attorneys have extensive experience communicating and negotiating with insurance companies on behalf of our clients.

Find out more about your legal options during a free initial consultation. This meeting is completely confidential and comes with no obligation to move forward. If your claim has merit and you do decide to have our firm represent you, we charge zero upfront fees to take a case and zero fees to work on a case.

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How Your Data May Be Tracked

When an insurance company enrolls a policyholder into their good driving discount program, they may be able to track and collect your driving habits in several ways:

  • Smartphone app connected to your car via Bluetooth
  • Plug-in device that is connected to your car’s on-board diagnostics (OBD) port
  • Tracking device that is pre-installed in newer model cars

These apps and tracking devices are essentially plugged into the car’s computer system to be able to capture, collect and transmit any information stored.

Data Being Collected By Insurers

It is important to note that every insurance company does not collect the same kind of data. This will depend on the insurance carrier you are enrolled with and how they are collecting this data.

GEICO, Allstate and Progressive are some well-known providers that each use different tracking methods, different data points and reward drivers differently.

If you are enrolled in a good driver discount program, be sure to go over the fine print and be informed about the data your insurer is tracking while you are driving. Kinds of data being collected may include:

  • The time of day you drive
  • How often you drive
  • Phone calls (handheld and hands-free)
  • Speed
  • Acceleration and braking speeds
  • Sharp turns

The information your insurer is able to track can inform them a considerable amount about your driving habits. It may reveal if you are usually a safe driver or one who engages in risky driving behaviors.

Your driving data will also be considered by your insurer during the renewal process to determine whether you still qualify for the discount. Sometimes, their findings may raise your rates.

Ways This Data Could Hurt Your Claim

If the at-fault driver does not have insurance, you may need to file a claim against your own insurance coverage. Your insurer may look at the data collected from the time of the accident to determine what happened. This data may work against you cause your insurance carrier to pay out less on a claim than it is actually worth. This type of scenario might also play out if your damages exceed the value of the at-fault driver’s insurance.

However, even if you need to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance, he or she may have the same insurance company as you. It is possible the other party’s insurance adjuster could gain access to data collected about your driving to attempt to use it against you.

If you claim to be a safe driver but your driving data reveals that you typically travel 10 miles or more above the posted speed limit, this information could be used to make you seem dishonest.

Insurance companies, even those that offer discount programs for safe driving, are businesses that will place profits over people first. An insurer will use any tactic possible to mislead you after a car accident.

Decades Advocating for Car Accident Victims

If you have been in a car accident, our Green Bay automotive collision lawyers at Sigman Janssen are here to help in any way we can. We have obtained millions on behalf of Wisconsin residents. If you have a valid claim, you may be able to pursue significant compensation to help with medical bills, lost income and more.

There is no cost to meet with one of our lawyers. The initial consultation is 100 percent free and completely confidential. There is no risk or legal obligation involved. We only get paid if you do.

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