What Are the Advantages of Settling a Car Crash Claim?

pen signing documentMost car crash claims are resolved in one of two ways: reaching a settlement or going to court. The best option will depend on the particular circumstances of a case. In some cases, going to court may result in a better outcome. However, there are a number of factors that can make settling more favorable.

Below, our attorneys discuss the advantages of settling a car crash claim. If you have been injured in a car crash through no fault of your own, it is important to consider all of your options for securing the compensation you need to cover your medical bills and obtain compensation in your pocket. Our Green Bay car crash attorneys are experienced negotiators, ready to pursue the maximum compensation possible.

Learn how we may be able to help during a risk-free consultation. You are not obligated after this initial consultation to hire our firm, but if you do, there are zero upfront fees to take on or work on a case.

Get started today by calling (920) 245-3400.

Settlement Agreements Are Faster

The settlement process is a lot faster than going to court. This is because settling a car crash claim typically means that both parties do not have to spend as much time and resources to build a case. It could take months or even years to get a court date scheduled before a judge or jury.

Even cases that appear to be straightforward can take a long time to make it to trial. Settlement discussions, on the other hand, can take place whenever both parties are available. A courtroom is not necessary. Most settlement meetings are conducted by telephone or in conference rooms and offices. Agreements can often be reached within weeks of the car crash. The claim is resolved once the settlement agreement has been signed.

Lower Legal Costs Involved

Going to court is almost always a lot more expensive than settling a claim. If you have witnesses to the car crash, they will need to be paid for their time and travel to testify on your behalf. The expenses can quickly add up at trial – from hundreds to thousands of dollars – especially if expert witnesses are hired to present their knowledge to support a claim. Your travel and lost time from work can also add up.

If you decide to settle, you may be able to avoid many of these costs and keep more money in your pocket. This is important in order to try and maximize your compensation amount.

An attorney at our firm is prepared to offer legal advice in a free case review. It costs nothing up front to retain our services. We only get paid if we help you obtain compensation, so there is no risk to you.

Often a Less Stressful Experience

Walking into a courtroom can be an intimidating and stressful experience, regardless of how prepared you are. Even if you have an experienced attorney by your side, the pressure of being in front of a judge and/or jury can still be a lot to handle. The stress of a trial could put a strain on your injury recovery.

Settlement of a claim is a less stressful experience. You will not have to worry about courtroom formalities, answering questions asked by defense attorneys or wondering if the jury will rule in your favor.

Reaching a settlement will involve you, your attorney, the other party and the other party’s insurance company or attorney. If a lawsuit has already been filed, reaching a settlement agreement may require a third-party mediator.

Control Over Your Compensation

Another advantage of a settlement is having control over the compensation you receive. In a trial, your fate is in the hands of the judge or the jury. Their decisions are unpredictable. In court, there are  no guarantees. You may receive a better result than a settlement or get nothing at all. That is the gamble.

Settlement negotiations leave control of the compensation award in the hands of the parties involved. You can argue for a higher settlement amount.  You can accept or reject a settlement offer. It is your decision to make, with the assistance and guidance of our experienced attorneys.

Settlements Are Kept Private

Court cases are public records. Anyone can request access to review a transcript of a court proceeding. You have no control over what you can keep private and what can be made public regarding the case.

Settlements, on the other hand, are kept private. Many settlements even contain clauses that require both parties involved to take reasonable steps to keep the matters discussed confidential. You will not need to worry about your personal information being released to the public.

Call for Help With Your Car Crash Claim

Although there are a number of advantages to settling a car crash claim, whether this is the best option will depend on your unique situation. An attorney at Sigman Janssen is ready to answer any questions you may have and help you weigh the pros and cons during a free, no-obligation consultation.

We know what it takes to fight for fair and just compensation on our clients’ behalf.  You only pay us if we help you win. There are no up-front fees.

Proven Results. Millions Recovered. Ph: (920) 245-3400.